Welcome to the Southern Japanese Chin Club

All upcoming SJCC shows, seminars and events can be found on our News page.

Welcome to The Southern Japanese Chin Club website, which we hope you find informative. 

Our committee, who, you will find on a drop down menu under The Club web page,  have a wealth of knowledge between them covering over 50 years in the breed, if there is anything you need to know and cannot find it on this website then please do contact one of our committee members who will gladly help.

The club is welcome to all, no matter where you are in the country.  

If you own a chin as a pet and want to join a club, or fancy start showing your chin then contact us, we hold two shows a year and other ad hoc events. 

If you would like to become a member and join this small but very fun, happy and knowledgeable club then please click on our membership page where you will find a membership form and how to join us, we would love to welcome you on board

All details of upcoming shows and events will be shown on our news page, please take a look.

The Japanese Chin is a very loving toy dog who has so much character along with being very independent and loyal.  Don't be fooled into thinking they are a pretty little lapdog, even though this certainly isn't something they wouldn't say no to!    They love a good rough and tumble playing, agility is certainly an activity they enjoy whilst they can also be quiet and would love to sit with you and have a cuddle. 

Whether you just want a pet to love or a dog to show, the Japanese Chin can and will give you both.

Once you've owned a chin you won't look back, but be prepared, as you will own another and then another........

But don't be fooled, you don't own a Chin...... they own you!  

© 2024 Southern Japanese Chin Club, all rights reserved.
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