
Club Rules and Regulations
For the love of the chin
1. NAME AND OBJECTS. The club will be called Southern Japanese Chin Club, hereinafter called 'The Club' . Objects of The Club shall be to promote and encourage responsible ownership, exhibiting, breeding of Japanese Chins and to encourage exhibitors, breeders and judges to breed show and judge to the true type as defined by THE JAPANESE CHIN BREED STANDARD issued by THE KENNEL CLUB. (appendix A). The Club will comply in strict accordance with all rules and regulations applying to Breed Clubs laid down by THE KENNEL CLUB.
2. CONSTITUTION The Club shall consist of a President and one Vice-President, Chairman, Honorary Secretary , Honorary Treasurer and eight committee members and an unlimited number of members. Officer and committee term of Office shall be one calendar year - all with voting eligible or re-election. Election by postal vote by an unlimited number of fully paid up Members.
3. COMMITTEE The management and business of The Club shall be conducted by a Committee consisting of 8 Members plus the Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer. Any committee member or officer absent without reasonable cause from 3 consecutive committee meetings shall cease to be a member of the committee.
The position of Vice Chairman is to be elected annually by the committee from amongst the committee at the next available meeting following the AGM. The Vice Chairman will only act as an officer of the club in the event of the incapacity of the Chairman.
A Member nominated by a Proposer and Seconder and wishing to stand for a position as Officer or Committee Member, must be, including the Proposer and Seconder, fully paid up members of the club for the year to which nomination refers at the date of closing for nominations. Anyone standing for the position of Officer, must have been a Member of The Club for at least three years, and for Committee Member a minimum of two years. Nominations for Officers and Committee Members must be submitted on the Club 'Nomination Form' in writing to the Secretary by the closing date for nominations, which is January 1st. The Proposer and Seconder must have been fully paid-up Members for at least one year prior to the date for closing of nominations.
Members not having completed twelve months full membership, are not eligible to act as proposers or seconders for the nomination of Officers or Committee Members. The written consent of the 'fully paid-up' nominees, must also be enclosed with the nominations. Officers and Committee Members who are re-standing for election, do not require nomination.
3b Voting papers will only be sent out to fully paid-up members as of January 31st. Completed voting papers must be returned to the scrutineer by the date stated on the form. The scrutineer will be appointed by the Committee annually and approved at the Annual General Meeting for the following year.
3c No person whilst an undischarged bankrupt may serve on the Committee or hold any Office or appointment within a Kennel Club registered society.
3d Any Committee Member who resigns during a period of office will not be allowed to re-stand or be co-opted until twelve months have elapsed from the date of the Annual General Meeting following their resignation. In the event of a tie for the position of a Committee Member a paper-vote will be taken at the Annual General Meeting.
3e The office of President shall be conferred upon a subscribing member by the committee and the position of Vice-President is bestowed by the club upon subscribing members who have worked and given their time to the interests of the club or breed in general. Names for these positions are nominated by the members and put to the AGM for agreement. These are honorary positions and shall be for the life of these persons unless an individual wishes to retire. An honorary Vice President post may be created, at the discretion of the committee, to accommodate a retiring President, for their lifetime. Presidents and Vice Presidents of twenty years membership will be made Honorary Life Members.
3f The Committee shall have the power to co-opt a fully paid up member to fill any vacancy (ies) until the next Annual General Meeting.
3g Meetings of the Committee shall be held as often as deemed necessary, but at least once every six months. A 'Minute Book' must be maintained by the Secretary, for the archives of The Club.
4. Maintenance Of Title The Officers acknowledge their duty to inform THE KENNEL CLUB of any change of Secretary of The Club which may occur during the course of the year. The Officers acknowledge that during the month of January each year, the Secretary will forward to THE KENNEL CLUB, the required fee for the 'Maintenance of Title', and that by the 31st July each year, other returns, as stipulated in their regulations for the Registration and Maintenance of Title of Societies and Breed Councils and the Affiliation of Agricultural Societies and Municipal Authorities.
5. Finances A "Banking Account or Accounts" shall be held in the name of SOUTHERN JAPANESE CHIN CLUB, unto which all revenue of The Club shall be paid and from which withdrawal shall only be made on the signatures of two or three officers. Multiple ledgers shall be maintained for various aspects of the Clubs businesses.
5a The Financial Year of The Club, shall be from 1st Jan. to the 31st Dec.5b The
Annual Subscription shall be payable before the last day of January
for the current year for entitlement to the privileges of
membership, after,
membership will be deemed to be lapsed and new membership will have
to be applied for. Subscriptions which shall include year books and
newsletters (when printed)
5c The
Treasurer must provide at every Committee meeting a full up to date
set of accounts together with the latest bank statement(s) held by
the club and be prepared to answer any queries raised by the
Committee. Voting
papers for the Postal Ballot will be sent only to those Members who
have paid their Annual Subscription by 1st January for the year to
which the ballot refers.
membership, £10 Joint membership £15(Two persons)
Junior membership, (under 16 years of age on January 1st) £5.
Single membership, £10 Joint membership £15 (Two persons)
Junior membership, (under 16 years of age on January 1st) £5
may be subject to change, as per Annual General Meeting. The
Committee shall annually decide the level of postal surcharges for
Members domicile outside the United Kingdom.
6 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING shall take place at a time and place as appointed by the Committee as soon after the end of the financial year as practical, to receive reports from the Chairperson and Treasurer, statements of the audited accounts ( copies of which are to be made available on request to the Treasurer ). Fourteen days notice of which, shall be sent to each member. Nomination papers will be sent to all members, at least four weeks before the end of the financial year, and completed Nomination forms will require to be returned by January 1st. Any motions or proposals or alterations to any rule, must be submitted to the Secretary, in writing, proposed and seconded by two fully paid-up members, prior to January 15th. Motions proposed and seconded for the A.G.M will not be proceeded with unless either proposer or seconder are present.
Preliminary Notice will be sent to fully paid up Members indicating the closing date for receipt of nominations and items for the Agenda duly proposed and seconded by paid up members. The Agenda will be available prior to the AGM, with the accounts being available to all members 14 days prior to the meeting. Accounts will not be distributed to all members prior to the meeting but are available upon request.
A Quorum shall consist of no less than 6 members present and no other business than that itemised on the agenda shall be deliberated with the exception of routine affairs or those which in the opinion of the chairperson are urgent.
7 SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING A SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING shall be summoned by the Secretary within 28 days, if twenty or more members send a signed requisition stating the subject to be discussed and requesting a Special General Meeting. No other business other than that detailed on the Agenda can be discussed at a Special General Meeting. The Committee of The Club, is also empowered to call a Special General Meeting, at its discretion. Fourteen days notice of such a meeting, being sent to all members.
A Special General Meeting may not be called within three months of the Annual General Meeting, regarding a vote of no confidence in the Officers and/or Committee

8a A list of members will be available for inspection, if so requested by the Members of The Club or by The Kennel Club; subject to limitations imposed by the Data Protection Act. The Committee shall not be responsible for the non-delivery of any notice or communication due to the failure of any Member to notify the Secretary of any 'Change of Address'
VOTING RIGHTS 8b No member may take part in any voting whatsoever until the member has been a Full Member of The Club for at least a year. Junior Members have no voting rights, and should re-apply at the age of 16 years for full membership. Joint members each have one vote, but for all other purposes, are treated as a Single Member
9 EXPULSION OF MEMBERS Any Member who shall be suspended under Kennel Club Rule A42 j(5), and/or any Member whose dog(s) is/are disqualified under Kennel Club Rule A42 j(9) shall ipso facto cease to be a Member of The Club for the duration of the suspension and/or disqualification. If the conduct, this includes social media conduct, of any Member shall, in the opinion of the Committee of the Club be injurious to the character or interest of the Club, the Committee of the Club may, at a meeting, the notice convening which includes as an object the consideration of the conduct of the Member, determine that a Special General Meeting of the Club, shall be called for the purpose of passing a resolution to expel him/her. Notice of the Special General Meeting shall be sent to the accused Member, giving particulars of the complaint and advising the place, date and hour of the meeting, so that he/she may attend and offer an explanation. If at the Meeting, a resolution to expel is passed by a two-thirds majority of the Members present and voting, his/her name shall forthwith be erased from the list of members, and he/she shall thereupon cease for all purposes to be a Member of The Club, except that he/she may, within two calendar months from the date of such a meeting, appeal to The Kennel Club upon and subject to such conditions as The Kennel Club may impose.
Conduct includes but is not limited to; Abusive or aggressive behaviour,
9b. The Club will comply in strict accordance with all rules and regulations applying to Breed Clubs laid down by THE KENNEL CLUB. The Club shall not join any Federation of Societies and Clubs. The Club recognises THE KENNEL CLUB as THE FINAL COURT OF APPEAL in all matters of dispute.
10 CLUB PROPERTY All Cups and Trophies will remain the property of The Club, and shall be vested in the Committee. They shall be put up for competition at the designated shows for which they are listed. All archives, artifacts, and other articles will remain the property of The Club, and shall be vested in the Committee.
In the event of The Club ceasing to exist, the cups and trophies belonging to The Club, shall be offered to the donors, their heirs or executors. All other property and assets at the bank, will be disposed of according to the decision of the members of the last serving Committee, and/or at the discretion of The Kennel Club, in accordance with K.C. Rule C3a(10).
11 CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW Fully paid up members may propose a judge, two years in advance, for the Club Championship Show. Both proposer and seconder, must be fully paid up Members, and must have the written consent of the person nominated. Nominations must reach the Secretary by January 1st. The nominee must fulfil the criteria laid down by The Kennel Club to award Challenge Certificates. In the case of judges from overseas judges, must be F.C.I. or A.K.C. approved, or from Countries with reciprocal arrangements with The Kennel Club, and all must have judged the breed at Championship level in their own Country of residence. judged the breed at Championship level in their own Country of residence.
The nominee will agree not to judge the Japanese Chin breed in the United Kingdom, in the preceding eighteen months to the date of the show. If there are more than six nominees the Committee, in a juridical manner on the six names to be placed on the annual Voting paper. (see Rule 3a.).
In the
event of the judge elected by the Members, not being approved by The
Kennel Club, then the next highest person in the poll, gaining
approval by The Kennel Club, will be selected.
11a CLUB OPEN SHOWS Fully paid up Member may put forward a person's name to the Secretary for consideration, by the committee, to judge at a future Club Open Show. The committee members of the Club will then nominate a minimum of 5 suitably qualified persons to judge the Open Show, two years in advance. At least one nomination being a person with a special interest in the breed, having owned, exhibited or bred a Japanese Chin for the membership to vote on, following the same direction as selecting a championship show judge.
12 AMENDMENTS TO CLUB RULES The Committee is vested with power to deal with any contingency not provided for in these Rules, but rules of The Club may not be altered except at an Annual General Meeting, or Special Meeting, the notice for which contains specific details of the proposals to amend the rules. Any proposed alteration to the rules may not be brought into effect until The Kennel Club has been advised and approved the alteration.
New rules or amendments introduced specifically to meet The Kennel Club requirements, shall be adopted immediately and be included in The Club's Constitution with effect from the Club's. Annual Meeting.
13 CODE OF ETHICS Members undertake to abide and adhere to the terms and principals of THE KENNEL CLUB 'CODE OF ETHICS' AND ;THE MEMBERS AND BREEDERS ETHICAL CODE OF THE JAPANESE CHIN CLUB'.
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