Items For Sale

for the love of chin

This page is to share  items which are for sale which relate to dog showing or Japanese Chins. 
To purchase anything from these links please correspondent directly with the seller
To advertise your items on this page please email a picture, a link (if you have one) and a small description of what it is you are offering.
 Southern Japanese Chin Club accepts no responsibility for anything sold via a third party on this website.

Dog Show Trolleys sell a range of trolleys. Please contact Dog Show Trolleys on 01205 461282 for more information. To visit their website please click on the photo.

The book of Japanese Chin of Champions of the British Isles 1894-2000.  If you would like a copy please contact Christine Reeves-Sargant  on

Or visit their website by clicking on the picture.

These books are now being sold at a reduced rate.
Christine will kindly donate £5 to the club for every book purchased.

Forever Living Independent Distributor of an amazing range off products for all animals and humans- browse the entire range or order direct. Please click on the picture to take you to the website or visit Loraine Ratter's facebook page, Forever Seafar.

Sandra Boyer makes many products for your pet, ranging from leads to belly bands.  Sandra can be contacted on for further information or to be directed to her website please click on the picture.

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