
For the love of the Chin

Membership runs from 1st January - 31st December

Membership fees are;

Single £10 Joint £15 (same affix)

Overseas Single £10 Joint £15 (same affix)

Please ensure you read you read the rules and regulations and code of ethics before applying to become a member.  Please set Standing orders to Pay after the 1st January each year  Please note the new account number. Any member who does not pay renewal by 31st January will need to complete a new membership application in the normal way. it is the members responsibility to ensure membership payment has been made.

All members are entitled to reduced entry to the Southern Japanese Chin Club Shows.

Renewal can be made by online banking details below:

Lloyds Bank:  Sort Code 30-96-26

 Account Number:  87396668 

Account name:  Southern Japanese Chin Club or

Cheques made payable to "Southern Japanese Chin Club"

Our membership Secretary is Jayne Tong  Email:

**Please note that PayPal payment is no longer available**

To retain voting rights membership must be paid on or after the 1st January and by 31st January of each year.

To become a new member please download your membership form here

© 2024 Southern Japanese Chin Club, all rights reserved.
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